What does it mean to disidentify with something? – Blog Post 9

I think that when one disidentifies with something it doesn’t necessarily mean that they find fault with or have deeply rooted dislike for whatever it is that they are unable to identify with, they simply do not align with that given belief/standpoint/or practice. You do not have to necessarily create animosity between yourself and the groups/practices hat you disidentify with however, through disidentification one is empowered to take a stance for their beliefs and overall identity. Moving to my current neighborhood 15 years ago was very uncomfortable for me. I felt the I’d never truly relate to those who I saw around me. I feel like this was probably one of my earliest instances of disidentifying with something. Needless to say, I’ve discovered some of my closest friends living here ; looks can definitely be deceiving!

1 Reply to “What does it mean to disidentify with something? – Blog Post 9”

  1. I agree with your points about what ‘Disidentify’ actually mean. In addition to that it’s also refer to become aware of the thoughts you had and try to condition yourself to use the negative ones the right way.

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