A definition of feminism that I found is from bell hooks which clarifies that, “Feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.” In her book Feminism Is For Everyone I agree with this because feminism is about addressing sexism that occurs in society and before we can do this we must be able to correct the misconceptions and the problems that occur in order to actually fix the problems in society. My definition of feminism is that feminism is a movement to solve the problems of sexism, oppression, gender equality, and minority women problems that have occurred in order for women to gain a level playing field in society. First, the people that would like to be aware of the situation they should educate themselves first. Then we could always give them extra knowledge on what is going on so they can keep up to date. Next, we should try to unite feminism groups together so that everyone can address their situation in order to fully have one mission and not scatter missions all over the place. Finally, we should try to get more legislation on women rights like abortion and other things that is in the laws.