I’ve chosen to go ahead and select three blog posts that have had an impact on my understanding of feminism.
Gender Performance (Blog Post 11) – This post was one that I particularly enjoyed composing. Most (if not all) of the content that we have gone over in class has been new for me so, learning that there is a term that encompasses the expectations set for us from birth when we are assigned our genders was quite eye opening. I think that this content was extremely important for myself and other to digest because it opens up a conversation surrounding identity. What you choose to identify with as far as gender should not dictate how you are dressed, how your emotional disposition is analyzed, nor your ability to succeed.
What does it mean to disidentify with something? (Blog Post 9) – I really enjoyed reading through the different annotations on hypothesis.is that my colleagues selected as a definition that encompasses what it means to disidentify with something in their opinion. I feel like the most important takeaway for me with this post was that to disidentify is to take a stance while still remaining neutral. It’s okay to disagree with something without hostility driving how you interact with individuals who have beliefs/ideas that oppose your own.
TBCMB Annotation (Blog Post 8) – This collection of writings was unknown to me prior to this class. It was hard for me to choose just one selection because there were so many that really hit home based on personal experiences. The piece I chose was an excerpt from a poem by Genny Lim. What I took away from her piece was the absolute necessity for women within the feminist movement to have awareness of the women whose social and political plights intersect.
Taking this course has really given me a more in depth view of what the women’s suffrage movement looks like from an internal standpoint. A lot of what you hear about the feminist movement is based on outward perception or the opinions of those who assist in demeaning and oppressing of women.