During this semester, I’ve learned a lot about feminism. I gained a lot of insight on what feminism actually is, instead of what society makes it out to be. I also read a lot of material that I enjoyed, and bought books that were recommended, to read in the future. The three posts/reading reviews that I have done that impacted me the most are blog posts 8, 11, and 13. Blog post 8 because it changed my outlook on feminism. The media always showed feminism as white women, whose agendas are for solely themselves. But this post showed me that there are people that want white feminists to be held accountable for their racism. Blog Post 11 impacted me because it enlightened me on the fact that gender is a performance. Everything we do, for the most part, is formed from societal practice and standards. Blog Post 13 introduced me to a book that changed my whole outlook in life. It showed me that people have it way worse than I do, and I should be grateful. It also emphasized the fact that people need help, especially children. Overall, these readings and others, have significantly impacted my life for the better.