A Different Future – Allisa Noel

When the feminist and anti-racist activism succeeds, my idea of an ideal world is where everyone is treated equally and given the same opportunities as men and all white people. Women would no longer a limited variety of jobs to choose from. All paths would be open for them. I wish the same for black people. There would be more female doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs, presidents, Vice Presidents, etc. Blacks and whites would be laughing and smiling with each other just like how they do when they’re with people of their race. There would be more interracial relationships. Nobody would have to be afraid of getting shut down and denied a job because the owner has a preference of race and/or gender. Nobody would be in hiding fearing for their lives that they might get shot down because they walk down the street with a hoodie on. Life would be brighter, happier and healthier. Sadly, todays world isn’t like that. I do not think it would ever come close to what I believe an ideal world would be like.