If I lived in a more egalitarian world I would put on the news and it wouldn’t be focused on hate crimes, women fighting for their reproductive rights, and people being taken from their families by ICE. Instead it would filled with reports on how the world is taking on climate change, how billionaires and celebrities are donating more generously to organizations that need help, and how communities from different faiths and backgrounds are helping each other. More female representatives would be in the White House and we would see more women succeeding in all types of jobs . I would go outside and see my neighbors and others talking and connecting with each other more. People will be multilingual so that they can communicate with everyone. I would walk down my street and say hello to everyone and see strangers of different genders treating each other with respect and dignity. I wouldn’t be as skeptical towards men. No one would be judged or underestimated because of the color of their skin or their race, religion, ethnicity or gender.