Independent Study Step #2 Answer

For my project I will be using educational texts from the library and the web, listening to Princess Diana’s interviews, and watching documentaries about her to show how she broke barriers and helped women all over the world. I need to know about Diana’s philanthropic work, how she helped others especially women, her actions and what she did during her reign, even her fashion choices and what they conveyed about her as a princess. Her relationships are also important to know such as with her children, her ex husband, her boyfriend, ex mother-in-law and her family before royal life. I also need to know how she fought for women and women’s rights for all women throughout the world. I need to know how the world reacted to her tragic death, explain and prove how she was the most loved and adored princess and how her impact still affects us today.

A Different Future Answer

If I lived in a more egalitarian world I would put on the news and it wouldn’t be focused on hate crimes, women fighting for their reproductive rights, and people being taken from their families by ICE. Instead it would filled with reports on how the world is taking on climate change, how billionaires and celebrities are donating more generously to organizations that need help, and how communities from different faiths and backgrounds are helping each other. More female representatives would be in the White House and we would see more women succeeding in all types of jobs . I would go outside and see my neighbors and others talking and connecting with each other more. People will be multilingual so that they can communicate with everyone. I would walk down my street and say hello to everyone and see strangers of different genders treating each other with respect and dignity. I wouldn’t be as skeptical towards men. No one would be judged or underestimated because of the color of their skin or their race, religion, ethnicity or gender.

Independent Study

I am interested in exploring the rights of women to continue to grow and contribute to all areas of society throughout their life. I would like to focus on the work of Princess Diana during her lifetime. How she broke barriers and redefined the meaning of being a princess .

What is Feminism?

From the Merriam Webster’s website there are two definitions of feminism . The first definition is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes. The second definition is organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interest. I agree with these definitions but my own personal definition of feminism is fighting for equal rights for every sex and the movement of supporting, and caring for each other. We should educate everyone from all backgrounds, ages, and genders about feminism. Anyone can be a feminist, we have the power as a society to change the outdated stereotypes against women and feminism. After all we want to live in a world where everyone is treated fairly and equally. For my women’s project I will focus on the impact feminism has in our society today.

How do you post?

Question: How do you post on your account?

Answer: Go to the website, log into your account, you will find the “+ new” icon in the upper part of your screen. Hover your cursor on it, press post and voila! You can start working on your post and send it out for your class to see!

This is a yellow tiger swallowtail butterfly. I took this picture a few summers ago in my aunt’s backyard