I am interested in exploring issues of women’s and civil rights as they relate to women, gender, and sexuality studies, especially the work of Angela Davis during the 1970’s.
Blog Post 5: Checking in

Since the shutdown or whatever we are calling it I’ve just been trying to deal with all the changes, being stuck in the house and not being able to work. Having to keep up with all my classes online and complete all my assignments I have piling up have been increasingly stressful. But nonetheless I am coping the best I can as I’m sure we all are. Hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy.
Kill Bill

This Tarantino film is most known for its violence and reversal of gender roles. The female protagonist, Uma Thurman, pictured in the photo above plays a very violent role that a man would typically play in similar films. Thurman is fighting in various scenes and is portraying masculinity in her style of fighting. Even though she is portraying masculinity in her fighting style, she still has feminine qualities about her appearance. Not only does Thurman have a masculine role but so do the other ladies of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. For example, Vivica A. Fox plays Vernita Green who is an assassin but also a mother and a wife who pretty much lives a double life. This film also takes a lot of influence from Kung Fu films where men typically play the lead roles. You can especially see this influence in the sword fighting scene between Lucy Lui and Uma Thurman. Lucy Lui’s character also shows a switch of gender roles depicting a women leading a group of men by intimidating them with her sword and fighting abilities.

In a less oppressed world where feminist and and anti-racist activism has succeeded there would be equal pay and equal jobs and opportunities for all. Jobs that where formally viewed as masculine would be available to all genders and the same would go for jobs viewed as feminine. Discrimination of any kind would not exist and therefore police brutality and wars would not be a thing. An average day for me would still consist of me going to school but the topics being taught would be a little different. News stories would be less about violence and problematic things and more about peaceful and kind stories.
What is Feminism?

According to the International Women’s Development Agency, feminism is all genders having equal rights and opportunities. I definitely agree with all genders having equal rights, equal treatment and equal opportunities. In addition to this definition, feminism to me is about advocacy of women’s rights in the form of political and social movements. It also involves presenting ideas that can create positive relationships between all genders. The focal point of my project will be on the idea of masculinity and how it can effect women in society. The question I will be trying to answer is how does masculinity impact a women’s ability to thrive in a male dominated society?
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