If an anti-racist world exists, I would not have to be turned to the side after waiting 20 minutes at the car service office for a white family to take the first car available. I would not have to look twice as hard for a job that would be easily given to another person, even if I am more qualified. I would not be followed in a store or be seen as a person who may not afford something. I wouldn’t worry so much for my brothers being out at night and not coming home or getting injured because of their skin color. Women working hard would have the same opportunity to move up and get promotions. I would wake to go to class and get on the public transport without everyone staring to watch what I will pull out my pocket or my bag. I would be treated like a normal person and because of the anti-racist world I won’t be stared at. I think my job would be filled with more smart and capable women, with more women in power.
Independent Study
I am interested in exploring issues of discrimination of women in the work place, as they are related to women, gender and sexuality studies. I do not have a specific work in mind or a specific person to focus on. I will do much research and maybe find a face or leader in this issue. The time period I will be focusing on is the last Century of 1945 until present day.
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What is Feminism ?
Feminism is defined in the dictionary as the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. I agree with this definition because every person should have rights equal to each other regardless of sex. Women are entitled to the same things as men, wether it is health related , work or etc… My definition of feminism is a movement that is constantly changing and adapting to the needs of women everyday. I feel the first issue that needs to be tackled first is equal pay, working just as hard deserves pay the reflects the work done. The second thing would be healthcare products to be made more available and affordable. As for the focal point of my project I have no clue what it is or what it will be.