Culture wars are when people in their own cultures split up due to their differences. Differing ideas about certain topics, issues, or goals can cause cultural wars. Culture wars set feminists back and everyone fighting for women’s rights. Women of color are being set back even further because they are in the third wave of feminism. They already have to work through drawbacks while white feminists are the second waves and are drawn back less. In Leslie Heywood’s, “Third Waves Agenda” she states, “White U.S. feminism has a long history of borrowing from, allying with, and betraying African American liberation movements, and a consciously multicultural third wave feminism must continuously work with and through these tensions.” (Page 10). The roots of white feminism come from privilege. This can undermine the advances that those of color have made within the feminist movement. People of color have to work harder to to fight for their goals. There is constantly lack of allies of “tensions” as mentioned in the reading. Feminism will be able to move forward as soon as people of color are recognized for their struggles and are supported.
This is actually really redundant when I think about it. You fight for equal treatment in daily life but you don’t give it to people who are even more affected by unequal treatment. I really hope that this can improve with time.