Culture Wars are the opposing opinions around a topic; in the case of what Heywood is writing about, this is feminism. She speaks a lot on the differences between 2nd and 3rd wave feminists, and the gaps in their beliefs/practices that can cause friction, although at the end of the day they are both striving for a world of equality. This can cause outsiders to have false views of the movement, like the common belief that feminists “hate men” and truly think that women are better. This is mostly caused by the “unapologetic” nature of 3rd wave feminism. One quote from page 8 of the Heywood reading that I felt really helped this to come across is “The lived messiness characteristic of the third wave is what de-fines it: girls who want to be boys, boys who want to be girls, boys andgirls who insist they are both, whites who want to be black, blackswho want to or refuse to be white, people who are white and black,gay and straight, masculine and feminine, or who are finding ways tobe and name none of the above.”