Show that you have learned: Choose three posts/reading responses that you have done that were most important or impactful to you. What about them or the week’s topic was most important to your understanding of feminism, or the world more generally? Has your definition of feminism changed? If so, how?
The most impactful blog posts were blog post numbers 2, 4 and 12. Before these blog posts, I always thought that feminism was the female version of racist. I used to think that feminism applied to women only, that feminism is a word that could start wars between the two genders. Feminism would be a secret community of its own filled with only strong women and comforting the weak ones. That all men do not see women as their equals and walk all over them and take all the power just for the fun of it. Turns out I was wrong, a man can be a feminist too and there are decent men out there that believe that both men and women are equal and that they deserve equal opportunities. Feminism will always be a term that sparks hate and anger to the men with big egos and poor mindsets. Thank you for everything you have taught me and I wish you all the best of luck in the years to come.