Independent Study, Final Project.
Proposal: An Intervention or offering
Based on my research and my area of interest, I have spent a lot of time reading about the gender pay gap. It was not the original topic of my Independent study final project, but after hearing a little about it in another class I decided to take a look. Once I started reading my interest peaked and I kept on reading. The gender pay gap is the difference between men and women’s median earnings. On average women earn $0.80 to a man’s dollar. It relates to women studies because in this class we learned about previous women’s movement. We learn about women’s fight for equal rights and I think this should be one of them. Being paid less because they are a woman is not equal. This impacts women everywhere including me. My mother makes a good amount of money but with equal pay she could be able to work less on weekends or spend money on herself more instead of the children or putting most of it away in savings. This impacts working mothers, households with many members to support and the minorities who are already discriminated against enough without factoring unequal pay. Maybe to bring more attention to this issue we can start on social media first. Influencers hold power and draw attention. By getting a few influencers to talk about the gender pay gap, it can become something that trends and brings new people to see and fight for equal pay. A solution to this problem would be to start giving and treating all women equal to men in the workfield. Equal pay for equal work. To make it happen, I will first look toward two people that I know who are not too big on social media but big enough that they have thousands of followers and connections to bigger people. They can promote it on their platforms. Once it gets to some bigger people we can petition to make the law pass the equal pay act like they passed the law against discrimination.
Independent Study Final Project- Intervention
Final Project Course Syllabus
Option 1: Independent Study
Gender Pay Gap in Elite Athletics (Primarily Soccer) By Ramy Mohamed
Independent Study Final
Independent Study – Final Step “Zine Page”

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