My topic for my independent study is on the “Me Too” movement. This movement is in effort to create social change by victims of sexual assault sharing their own experiences in hope to show just how common sexual harassment is. The importance of these stories is that if people are more aware of sexual harassment and how casually it is sometimes treated, then tolerance for it will decrease. Through research of my topic, I discovered this movement is multi-faceted when it comes to news coverage, race, gender, class, media and much more. Although this movement is fairly contemporary, it originated in 2006 and of course issues of sexual assault have been in conversation way before then. This movement gained it’s popularity by the numerous amount of actors who exposed the sexual assault stories pertained in the film industry. These celebrities were flooded with a lot of support, a move toward justice and privilege. When discussing this movement, I think it’s important to see the factors on what stories get to the media and which stories get ignored. The Me Too movement, founded by Tarana Burke, she aimed to raise awareness of sexual violence that women and girls, particularly women and girls of color, face in our society. In my study, it’s important for me to discuss how the movement shifted from it’s initial goal and seems like it’s not a space for women of color. I want to discuss race, social status and gender and how they each interact with this movement.