A more egalitarian and less oppressive world looks brighter. You’ll see people smiling genuinely. Men respect women’s bodies and choices and women respect themselves. An average day for me would be hopeful. In this world, you’re excited to get out of bed to start your day and you look forward to going to work because the demands of an employer aren’t overwhelming. On your way to work or school, people are courteous and selfless and upon arrival, your boss, coworkers, or teachers greet you with the utmost respect. People are more open to expressing their feelings and concerns because they no longer fear the judgment from critical stares. It is perfectly acceptable to take breaks for self-care, in fact, schools and jobs make it a required day for personal revival. In this world, discrimination doesn’t exist. There is no such thing as cursing out a man because he’s speaking in his native tongue. Women are held in the same regard as men and are treated as such, with no more lingering eyes or sexual objectification. In a perfect world, necessary personal hygiene products like pads, tampons, and sanitary napkins are free because you shouldn’t have to pay for something natural and out of your control. Lastly, to sum this up, in a perfect world people care for and love one another wholeheartedly, with no strings attached.