Hey Queens !
I haven’t done a How – to post in quite sometime , Today I’m, gonna give a descriptive how to on how to use hypothesis to annotate similar text . Well before I get into detail we all halve to understand the correlation between the two . A hypothesis is “ a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence’’
- You want to read the title and let it marinate in your head on what you think the text is going to be about . Be sure to Jot down any ideas that come to mind about what you think that get is goin got be about .
- When all fails you can always read the first few sentences to get the hamster in your brain rolling to get some thoughts brewing .
- Make a T chart to jot down the similarities between texts or to the real world it will help you get a better understanding of the text
- Don’t overthink chances are 9/10 your inference will turn out to be true or hold some type of truth be confident even when you’re just thinking Queens !