Judith Butler said that nobody can be a gender fore doing gendered acts. When she said that, I think she means that you cannot be a women without upholding the tasks that make you a women, such as cleaning, washing, cooking, sewing, staying at home with the children, etc. My dad stopped doing dishes, mopping, cleaning the floors a few years ago. I asked hime how come he stopped. He told me that it’s a women’ job to do these things, “it’s what you’re supposed to do. I got so angry but I could not say anything because he has a temper and he is really stubborn. It is not only a women’s job to do chores around the house. men are supposed to contribute as well and not sit their lazy ass on the couch all day growing a stomach, drinking beer, sleeping all day and watch TV. Both parties should contribute to keep the house clean and habitable. It should not only be a one gender job.