This Bridge Called My Back

“I am the very well-educated daughter of a woman who, by the standards in this country, would be considered largely illiterate “.

I chose to highlight this particular part of the text because it spoke to me. I myself am the daughter of a well educated woman. My grandmother was married at 17 and did not go to college yet smart. She had 5 daughters and put them through school and made sure that they would go to college because they were so smart. My mother is very smart. She is book and street smart and well educated through school and through her mother. She could have easily became a doctor, but the people of this country at the time weren’t so welcoming and she faced hardships because of the color of her skin. My mother did not fit the stereotypes of this country like how the woman was considered illiterate even though being well educated. I chose it because they tend to look at skin before abilities.

This was also uploaded to the class group.