According to Faludi and Heywood I got their common understanding that culture war is the social clash between social gatherings and the battle for predominance of their qualities, convictions, and practices. The term is generally used to depict contemporary governmental issues in the United States, with issues, for example, premature birth, homosexuality, erotic entertainment, multiculturalism, and other social clashes dependent on qualities, profound quality, and way of life being portrayed as the major political cleavage. It also called as war between men and women abilities. Culture war is related to feminism by Radical feminism which is a theory and practice of fighting for the rights of all women and girls, regardless of whether they self-identify as transgender, and regardless of their ethnic origin or political beliefs. Indeed the fights for the rights for women significantly connecting to the meaning of culture war.
I agree with this post’s definition of culture wars and how it relates to the feminist movement. I Like how you transitioned from defining culture wars to tying it all together with feminism.