Show that you have learned: Choose three posts/reading responses that you have done that were most important or impactful to you. What about them or the week’s topic was most important to your understanding of feminism, or the world more generally? Has your definition of feminism changed? If so, how?
Blog posts that were important to me were blog post 13, blog post 12, and blog post 9. Those were important to me because I have a chance to read Toni Morrison’s book and making critical analysis from class reading. This helps me explore and learn more about feminism and the history involving racism, discrimination, and injustice. Understand and realize what women have been through back in the day was incredible to me. It was sad to see how’s women were being treated differently because of their gender. This course has open-minded me more about feminism history, how it has changed over time and teaches me to respect what we have accomplished now and appreciated women even more.