Hey Queens ,
I hope all is well on your end and if it isn’t I hope you’re holding yourself up !! considering I’m now writing a response I’m sure you can tell I haven’t been in the best state of mind . Being cooped up by force really does something g to you . The fact that I’m forced to “ relax ’’ and to be on my phone all day is absolutely driving me mad. I was used to complaining about working all night and going to school morning but I can honestly say I miss it and want it back . I want to be stressed out and complain to myself because I know I’m being productive at the end of the day .

The COVID-19 isn’t necessarily scaring me but it definitely is causing me to become anxious about thinking how normal is America going to be when this is supposedly all said and done . Think about it I’m pretty sure even when they do say “ were in the clear’’ there is still going to be people who are still anxious and will proceed to not want social interaction , still want to wear masks and gloves and it sucks because I low key feel like that’s going to be me . I saw a meme the other day that basically implied when the pandemic is over they are going to wait for the “ first batch of people to go outside to make sure it’s safe ” everyone laughed but they agreed . I don’t know how long the COVID-19 is gonna hold up but hopefully doesn’t take long to act normal again . Till then stay strong Queens
Fierce and Love