Blog Post 9: Disidentifications

To disidentify with something means to go against or disagree with the representation or stigma placed against whatever you define yourself as. I think in order to disidentify, you must first be able to identify. By this I mean, you must be able to have this self awareness of who you are and then decide if these social norms or rules places against that category represents what you think it should. If it does not, that is where one disidentifies.

Although I am female, I sometimes disidentify with it. I had many instances where I was expected to “act like a lady,” do houework, or dress a certain way. To many people this is what a female is supposed to committ to, but I disagree with it and therefore, push boundaries. I wear sweats and hoodies and sneakers almost everyday, I do things that my mother for example, would have never done at my age as a female. She would have never disobeyed her mother telling her to clean up while her brothers did absolutely nothing. I did not accept these norms, and I created my own.

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“Disidentification works like the remaking of identification that Fuss Advocates. Counteridentification, the attempt at dissolving or abolishing entrenched cultural formations, corresponds to de Lauretis’s substitution of desire for identification.”

I believe that Munzo wants readers to understand that disidentification can mean pulling away from your roots and culture that are a part of you and influence who you are. Sometimes you drift away from your culture because you do not want to be associated with some aspects of your culture. I think that when it came to cultural day at school I would tend to pull away or deny the fact that I am Black because may other people in my school come form other countries. I am American and do not come from another place, my parents and grandparents and great grandparents are American. I would try not to participate or pull away because I felt like what I had was not enough. Only in the last year of high school that I started to see that what I had was enough and began to embrace my culture. It could be because I was learning more about myself and my family.

What does it mean to disidentify with something? – Blog Post 9

I think that when one disidentifies with something it doesn’t necessarily mean that they find fault with or have deeply rooted dislike for whatever it is that they are unable to identify with, they simply do not align with that given belief/standpoint/or practice. You do not have to necessarily create animosity between yourself and the groups/practices hat you disidentify with however, through disidentification one is empowered to take a stance for their beliefs and overall identity. Moving to my current neighborhood 15 years ago was very uncomfortable for me. I felt the I’d never truly relate to those who I saw around me. I feel like this was probably one of my earliest instances of disidentifying with something. Needless to say, I’ve discovered some of my closest friends living here ; looks can definitely be deceiving!

Blog Post 9: Disidentification

Munoz states that, “Disidentification is a strategy of resistance and survival for minority subjects such as queers of color”. By this definition, Munoz not only suggests a level of bravery to disidentify, but also that to disidentify, is to step outside the box given to your “label” and have an awareness of it. To disidentify with something means to not associate with something. A time I disidentified with something was when I first moved to a different area of Queens. Most of my life, I have lived in Jackson Heights, an area I am really proud to be from and associate with. A few years ago my family and I moved to a different area in Queens and for a really long time I was not happy with it because I was unfamiliar with the area and didn’t wanna associate with it because it did not feel like home. The area we moved to is not as lively, creative or diverse so I was not as proud of it. I would still travel to Jackson Heights everyday, I even did not tell a lot of people I moved. I eventually got comfortable with the move and eventually adapted, but for a really long time I disidentified with my new area.

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Blog Post #9 Disidentification

‘Disidentification’ is the state of absence of identification in sense. It is the ability to step back an observe the content of our awareness and identify as the observer. For example, if you believe that there is something that is pushed away, you are making it real, the mind is holding on, contracting in that place. The time I felt ‘Disidentified’ was when I left my important works from my workplace and decided to hangout with friends to be less stress out. However, I felt that the work I left behind could make others satisfied. The mind of myself was still restricting itself. So, disidentification is a relaxation of that contraction. Munoz says that ‘Disidentification is a strategy of resistance and survival for minority subjects such as queers of color.’ This means that it is a way to identity besides make a choice to identify with a mainstream concept like whiteness or claiming blackness or queerness which may only reverse the social hierarchy put in place by the mainstream ideology.

BLOG POST #9 Disidentifications

To disidentify with something means to dissociate or reject affiliation with it. It can even mean having a neutral stance on the topic at hand. This can be anything from political views, religion, and ethnicity, to name a few. Many times I have disidentified against my physical existence. I often place my consciousness on the spiritual element of my being, rather than the mortal and short-lived.

To Disidentify

To experience disidentification is to not be able to stick a positive or negative feeling onto a label, or situation, or circumstance. Its to feel as though you don’t belong, but not in a sense where you want to belong. Its a distant feeling, and an experience where its as though you’re not in your own mind, meaning there are no thoughts about the situation that are going on in your mind. I personally have no felt this before, but I know many people who have,.

Disidentifications and Culture

To disidentify with something means not to show any reaction towards something that you have encountered, so it would not change anything in that particular moment or later on. I do not really remember a time in my life where I have disidentified with something that I have encountered.