Independent Study: Annotated Bibliography & Thesis

Thesis Statement: This project intends on educating others on the history of violence against women, the sexually charged cultural challenges women endure, as well as the modern-day image of femininity.

BIBLIOGRAPHY : This source is reliable because it is a well-cited peer-reviewed journal article and it is found on an academic website. This journal article discusses the various forms of violence women have faced over the years. Compared to other articles, this journal analyzes such violence on a global scale and discusses how many times violent events go unreported due to its sensitive nature. This relates to my project because I will expound on historical forms of violence against women. : This source is reliable because like the one above, it is a peer-reviewed journal article found on an academic website. This article discusses historical instances of violence against African women during slavery. The article goes on to mention how raping these women became a way of life and when being sold they would be stripped naked. The more “voluptuous” a women’s figure was the more likely she would get bought to have many children, who would then get sold and worked on other plantations. This relates to my project because I will be discussing ways in which violence was used to control women.

This article is credible because it is a good source for academic research and statistical data. This work summarizes how society views men and women and how these views contribute to what is expected for men and women. A survey compiled reveals that society values leadership and financial success in men but values beauty and empathy in women. This relates to my project because I want to discuss the results of societal pressures on women (poor body image, underestimating their capabilities, and body modifications). : This article is credible because it is a well-published company that specializes in documenting and reporting history, hence the name of the website. This article discusses the use of women as sex slaves during World War 2. Women were kidnapped from all across Asia and used merely for pleasure by the Japanese military. These war crimes have had rippling effects in modern times. This relates to my project because it has great historical significance and can support the claims I have made about the many atrocities endured by women since the beginning.

This article is a credible one because it is a well-published news company. This article discusses the Harvey Weinstein trials and discusses how he used his status in the entertainment industry to sexually assault and rape women. (Unequal power relations). This article will be much-needed support for discussing modern events of violence against women. : This article is credible because it is coming from a knowledgeable news network. The article discusses the various trends in fashion that women wore over the years to achieve far-reaching beauty standards. Such fashion items include corsets, high heels, and traditional Chinese foot bindings that broke women’s feet and bound the toes to the heels to keep feet small. Women who had their feet bound could not walk, were constantly in extreme pain, and the chance of losing toes were high.

Blog Post 3: A Different Future

In an ‘ideal world’ in which feminism and anti-racist activism has succeeded, hopefully most of the population would have a better mindset. Societies would instill better ideals, beliefs, and values. Women could assert that their role in life is not limited to motherhood or being a care-taker. A woman’s value would not be based on living up to the standard of being a “perfect” wife and/or mother. Instead of being pressured to get married off young and have children, girls could explore their passions. Women and minorities would take on more leadership positions at jobs and get significantly better pay. Using women for sex, cheating on women, and abusing women (physically and emotionally) would become less glamorized in pop culture. These actions would not be seen as tokens of manhood. Also, the words of a woman would also be taken more earnestly. For example, women’s concerns about their health would be taken more seriously within the field of healthcare. Doctors would not dismiss them as being overly-dramatic or ‘crazy’.

Within this ‘ideal world’ my lifestyle would be slightly different. From a young age, girls are taught to always keep their ‘guard up’ and stay alert around men they do not know from the fear of being attacked. As a petite woman, I would not have to be in a constant state of anxiety when commuting to/from work and/or school. Also, during warm seasons, I could wear more ‘revealing’ clothing such as shorts and dresses without being sexually harassed and catcalled by strangers on the street. When scrolling through social media pages, I would not have to see so many derogatory posts and comments about women-especially black women. When entering a beauty supply store, I would not be followed around while browsing because its assumed based on my skin complexion that I am a thief. The state of my life would be much more peaceful.

Blog Post 2: Feminism

One definition of feminism according to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary is “organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests”. I agree with this definition more than the definition of having equality for both sexes. I do not believe that ‘equality’ is truly attainable for everyone depending on their life situation. Also, women and men may not always share the same concerns, as they experience life differently.

Feminism begins with changing the way women are viewed by majority of societies. The traditional narrative of a woman only existing to act as a mother and care-taker places limits on her abilities. When a woman is viewed in this way, patriarchal societies have the attitude that it is not necessary for a woman to have certain rights, because she will never fill a dominant role. Her fate will be contributing to motherly duties. This gives to the notion that a woman does not possess important ideas or opinions that will benefit society. It is difficult to change this perception of women in certain societies based on culture, religion, etc. Aside from this traditional narrative, feminism should focus on the experiences and oppression faced by women of all backgrounds. One of the issues it should tackle is ensuring paid maternity leave for women in the workforce. Another issue it should tackle as brought up by Rebecca Solnit is the seriousness of assaults such as rape, domestic violence, and sexual harassment. If I had a feminist project, I would create a program that empowers and serves as a safe space for teenage girls. They would be guided on personal topics such as how they should be treated in a relationship, sexual health, etc.

Blog post 12: Material Feminism

Material feminism is the gender roles that are set for each gender like a women is expected to have children and take care of the house. Material feminism make us see things as they are, making people do whatever they want with their roles.

Blog Post #13

The Tony Morrison book that I chose to read, is The Bluest Eye. The book starts with sisters Claudia and Frieda, who live in Ohio, with their parents. It is set at the end of the Great Depression, and the parents are working really hard to stay financially stable. They end up taking in a boy named Henry Washington, and a girl named Pecola, whose father tried to burn down their house. Pecola has a lot of self-hate and thinks that being white is the only beautiful. She believes that if she had blue eyes, she would be loved and have an easier life. When Pecola moves back in with her family, she goes through a lot of trauma. Her father is a drunk, and her mother doesn’t show too much emotion, and they end up physically fighting a lot. The book shows us that the parents have been through a lot of trauma in their lives. Her mother is disabled and has the same ideologies as Pecola, that love is reserved for the beautiful, and she’s ugly. Her father was abandoned by his parents and was raised by his great aunt. At one point, he ran away to find his father but was rejected by him. All in all, he has lost interest in life. Pecolas brother, Sammy, runs away all of the time, and Pecola is constantly teased by boys and former friends. She even gets called a “nasty little black bi***” by a woman. *SPOILER* Farther in the book, her father gets home and rapes her. She became unconscious, and when her mother finds her on the floor, she doesn’t believe what Pecola says happened to her and beats her. Later, it is found out by her parents that she is pregnant, and they actually want her to keep it. They use their saving to plant flowers and say that if the flowers live, the baby will live. Well, the flowers did not bloom, and the baby dies from being born too early. Her father ended up raping her for the second time, runs away, and dies. Pecola started to deteriorate mentally, and believes that she has “the bluest eyes”. A couple of connections to Playing in the Dark that I can make is the fact that she clearly stated the ethnicity of the character in her book. In her essay, she makes the point that in American literature, authors tend to omit the race of characters and leave out the important factor that is race, in historically based literature.

Blog Post 14: Conclusion

Overall, I really enjoyed this course. The three posts that had the most impact on me were the oral history, disidentifications, and (although it wasn’t technically a blog post) the presentation I did on riot grrrls. For the oral history, it was really meaningful for me to sit down and talk with my dad about what he was up to at my age, as I’ve always felt like we’re very similar. It made me feel closer to my family and let me see my dad in a new way by hearing stories about his life I had never known before. As for disidentifications, I really liked reading about it because I had never had a word to put to that feeling before. I’ve definitely felt out of place in many areas of my life before, and I definitely want to go back and reread that to digest it more in its entiriety. Finally, I loved learning about the riot grrrl movement. I really love that type of music, and feel really inspired by women in music in general. At concerts for one of my favorite bands, they always have the girls come to the front to mosh safely during the last song, and I had no idea that that originated from riot grrrl, so that was super cool to learn about. I also love making zines and think it’s such a good way to express yourself. I really want to do more research on the movement because I think it is so inspiring.

Overall, I loved this course and wish that the whole corona situation hadn’t happened so I could devote more energy to it. Women and gender studies is a topic that is really interesting to me and something I think about a lot; I’m glad that I now have all these readings and really hope to look at them more over the next few months. Thank you all for a really great semester!!

Blog Post 12: Material Feminism

Material feminism means discussing gender as merely an expectation put in place by society, our culture, technology, and everything that surrounds and affects us on a daily basis. It focuses on the things that force us into boxes and make people believe that women are less than men and should take up certain roles or “traditionally feminine” careers and hobbies. The goal of material feminism is to break down the preexisting idea of social roles and become equal and free to represent gender as we please.

Blog Post 10

Culture wars are when people in their own cultures split up due to their differences. Differing ideas about certain topics, issues, or goals can cause cultural wars. Culture wars set feminists back and everyone fighting for women’s rights. Women of color are being set back even further because they are in the third wave of feminism. They already have to work through drawbacks while white feminists are the second waves and are drawn back less. In Leslie Heywood’s, “Third Waves Agenda” she states, “White U.S. feminism has a long history of borrowing from, allying with, and betraying African American liberation movements, and a consciously multicultural third wave feminism must continuously work with and through these tensions.” (Page 10). The roots of white feminism come from privilege. This can undermine the advances that those of color have made within the feminist movement. People of color have to work harder to to fight for their goals. There is constantly lack of allies of “tensions” as mentioned in the reading. Feminism will be able to move forward as soon as people of color are recognized for their struggles and are supported.