Feminism has a host of interpretations when it comes down to it’s definition. I agree most closely with the interpretation offered by Roxanne Gray in the excerpt of “Bad Feminist” that our class read. She offers that feminism is a movement consisting of flawed individuals who aren’t what society would deem “perfect” or “capable” fighting for their deserved right as human beings to be heard & included. She also touches on the fact that not every woman will automatically take to the “feminist label” even with knowledge of who and what this movement is in fact fighting for. However, that does not mean that the individuals who are choosing to actively fight to oppose patriarchal societies’ norms should give up or protect these women’s rights any less.
My proposed definition of feminism is a movement of individuals who are seeking to reshape society’s current structure for the betterment of women & their freedoms (or lack thereof). I think the first issue to tackle would be the flaws within the capitalist system that hinder women’s ability to fully thrive in today’s workforce. Another barrier that I would like to see broken is that of which we have between each other as women. In order to successfully address the issues women face within society today, (whether that be within the workforce, reproductive rights violations, even class & race bias) women must stand in solidarity for change.