Annotated Bibliography- The media and Body Image

Cumberledge, Heather. “The Representation of Women in Media Needs to Change.” The Arizona State Press, 19 Oct. 2017,

This article is about gender representation in the media and how it makes people create assumptions about women like them being weaker than men and always having to do domestic roles. This article relates to my topic because it explains one of the effects that women representation in media has. This article offers reasons why the audiences should be shown a different part of the women like how strong and brave they are.

Aloisi, Fabiana. “Women and Social Media: Does Facebook Influence Perceptions of the Female Body?” Family And Media, 29 Nov. 2017,

This article is about a study that was conducted with young girls about how social media affects the way they see themselves. This article relates to my topic because it would back up my point about social media making young girls insecure of their body image. This article provides good reasons as to why the stereotypes should change. 

R, Sasha. “Feminist Media: Why We Need More Women Taking the Lead on-Screen.”, 27 July 2019,

This article is about how womens should be represented in a more positive way because young girls need more role models. This article is relevant to my topic because it shows that women and men are not represented in the same way. It offers very good points on why women should have a positive image in the media.

“Social Media Is Distorting the Representation of Women in Africa. Here’s What Can Be Done about It.” Nieman Lab,

This article talks about media in African and how as there is more technology women are still seen as sex objects. This article is relevant to my topic because it would help me discuss one of the ways the image of women in the media could be changed.

Hogue, Jacqueline V, and Jennifer S Mills. “The Effects of Active Social Media Engagement with Peers on Body Image in Young Women.” Body Image, vol. 28, 2019, pp. 1–5.

In this article an experiment was conducted to see how women and men interact with social media to understand how it affects the women’s body image. This article is relevant to my topic because it shows a relationship between the media and how women look at their bodies.