I felt that I connected most with the definition that Roxane Gay provided in her introduction in Bad Feminist. Her definition focused on equal opportunities for women and men, women’s reproductive freedom & access to health care, equal pay for equal work, supporting the choices of women (even those we might not make for ourselves), and that equality & freedom is to be defined by the woman who wishes it.
I also found interesting that she mentioned the often misinformed definition of feminism as “You are an angry, sex-hating, man-hating victim lady person.” I think that this is an unfortunately common misconception about feminism, one that has kept people who would otherwise consider themselves feminists from doing so out of fear. I can remember having conversations about feminism when I was younger, and feeling that I had to clarify “I’m not one of THOSE feminists, I don’t want to burn bras, I just want equality for women.” This preconceived negativity has been used to try and keep the feminist movement stagnant and ineffective.
I think that the priority in modern day feminism should be on intersectionality. Lifting up women of color and queer people who have often been excluded from the mainstream “Feminism ™ ” conversation is the way forward. Listening to and supporting those of us feminists who are the most marginalized is the clearest way to bring about gender equality for everyone.