Hi all,
As I work on a schedule for one on one conferences and progress reports, I found myself amazed by your tenacity and continued good work on the course site. You are killing it! Keep up the good work.
Look out for an email with a doodle poll–please fill it out for a time to chat with me privately. I’ll send/share your progress reports soon.
Keep doing the check ins–it is helpful for me to see where you are and how you are feeling/doing, and I hope it is helpful for you to have an opportunity to reflect and self-assess.
Don’t forget to keep up with your independent study–this week you should have posted an argument or particular statement that you have noticed that is supported by your research. Think: For this project, I argue for _______ as it relates to women/gender/sexuality studies (whichever is appropriate, which is supported by evidence from __________.
I know it sounds super cheesy and hollow, but I mean it: you all inspire me. In general, yes, but also to be better about my own work and research and get more if it done. Thank you.
Take care and see you soon,